Every year, I'm amazed at just how cold it can get for the New Year, and every year, my husband reminds me that THIS is nothing ~ the cold weather is still on its way. Yeah, that makes me want to get out of bed in the mornings...
Well, at least the cold brings special beauty with it ~ these unusual icicles were decorating the barn recently, shimmering in the morning sun. In trying to figure out how these beauties were formed, I almost forgot how cold I was, until I realized I couldn't feel my finger as I pushed the button on the camera!
These icicles reminded me of pea pods, but I think that's because I have gardening on my mind! We're going to try to start our Community Garden again this year at our schoolhouse, and I just can't wait! Please feel free to check for updates on that garden at our other blog: www.pinewoodschoolhouse.blogspot.com
I like how the icicles weren't all the same; diversity is good!
Look at that delicate top; how is this heavy icicle still up there???
Mother Nature continues to amaze me daily! I think the icicles were a metaphor for hanging on, even when times get tough (or COLD)!
Hopefully, your New Year won't require much "hanging on," and it will be filled with beauty and WARMTH ~ Happy 2013!